When he heard about the opportunity to launch FōHM by SOHM at the 2013 Oscars, Sohm president and CEO Shailesh Shah knew it was a great opportunity. But it also was a big investment: preparing for the event, hiring the models for demonstrations, shipping product to America for 500 celebrity gift bags, fly in Sohm executives to make of the event and international landmark for Sohm, and much, much more.
What persuaded Mr. Shah that Sohm must do it was finding out that the money required to register FōHM by SOHM as a product for the After Party circuit all was going to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
“Philanthropy is a big part of our corporate mission at Sohm,” says Mr. Shah. “I totally agree with Mr. Premji when he says that if you work only for money, your work is wasted. Our goal is eventually to endow a number of institutions. We may not be able to build a university for teachers of children K-12, as Mr. Premji has done. But what we can do, we will do. And the St. Jude Oscars After Party is a great example of that commitment. At the same time we were launching a new product, we were contributing thousands of dollars to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, helping them to conquer many of the same childhood diseases that afflict children in India. More than ever before in the history of the world, we live together: one people on one planet. Money spent on philanthropy anywhere inevitably helps people everywhere.”
It’s appropriate that an event honoring actors—the 2013 Oscars Awards Ceremony—should benefit a philanthropical institution begun by an actor! Many people don’t know that the hospital that has grown to be world-renownd for its research into children’s diseases was started by the American actor Danny Thomas.
Although named after a Catholic Saint, St. Jude’s is non-denominational in its service. The only requirement for entry: you must be a child with a disease. That’s why the only goal of St. Jude’s mission is to fulfill the pledge Danny Thomas made half a century ago: “No child should die in the dawn of life.”
Mr. Shah comments on the similarity of the “Mission Statements” of St. Jude’s and Sohm: “St. Jude’s is committed to research, treatment, prevention, and cures for pediatric diseases. We at Sohm share a commitment to scientific research and to products that respond to a need, whether it be for pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, or cosmeceuticals. When developing a product solution, our question always is the same: Is it necessary, and can we do it best?”
The 2013 Oscars After Party was a tremendous success. For Sohm, but—just as importantly for Sohm—for St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. Nearly 2,000 of celebrities and guests arrived at a party anticipating 600! (See photos of the event at http://www.fohmbysohm.com/launch.html.) 300 bottles of FōHM by SOHM went into celebrity gift bags and were given to celebrities in the Celebrity Gifting Lounge. And another 200 were given to actors, writers, directors, producers, agents, and hanger-on who—when they learned one of its uses is as an anti-aging foaming facial wash—pleaded for more.
Especially in Hollywood, California, where eternal youth is the public’s greatest desire, FōHM by SOHM is a BLOCKBUSTER HIT

Self Awakening Mission is a registered 80G in India and a registered 501(c)(3) in the USA
SOHM is partnered with Self Awakening Mission in “Women Empowerment Project Through Harvesting, Kabala, Sierra Leone.
In Bumba village, Kabala, Sierra Leone, launched a farming project. Fifteen women are gaining self-employment through this project. In Bumba village, villagers harvesting their first crop of rice on February 4th, 2024, and they are now prepared to sow new rice seedlings. Fifteen ladies received positive harvesting affirmations for 21 days before they were given rice seeds and cassava cuttings to plant. They will be getting cassava harvest and the second rice harvest in coming season
SOHM partnered with Self Awakening Mission in “Women Empowerment Project through Entrepreneurship, Kampala, Uganda
On Women’s International Day, March 8, 2024, total of nine mothers of disabled children were supported for self employment and financial independence along with all beneficiaries.